Reverse your thoughts, trade them to memories.
Listen to your hopes despite your minds treachery.
What can be done to make things concrete?
Don’t give up now; don’t admit defeat.
Time is one your side.
This lesson must be learned, don't run and hide.
Take your chances now,
Let your fears subside.
The darkness is no excuse.
We are all on your side.
Picture a purpose; engrave the strength to go on.
Take your shot; aim right, swing strong.
You will be happy in the end.
We will all still be friends.
The impact will go away sooner or later.
Water dries up, and the opponent is no fighter.
Take your chances now,
Let your fears subside.
The darkness is no excuse.
We are all on your side.
See now the collision has happened,
This joke has begun.
No harm, there is no foul,
Everyone is smiling as planned.
Shake off your worries to the aftermath.
There was nothing wrong with going down that path.
Even the opposition has made known his cheer.
Well let him get back at you so all is fair.
Enjoy the time you were meant to have tonight.
And realize the perfection of this all, of this plight